Thursday, April 27, 2006


Confession brings freedom.
And God freely forgives.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Bicycles Galore

I went for a walk today. It was nice. There was sun and there were thousands of bicycles, huh?

You never know what you're gonna find in this city. I stood in one place for almost 30 minutes and I could not find a beginning or end to all the bicycles. Simply amazing. Without a doubt, had to be the largest, longest, biggest bike-a-thon EVER!

I saw bicycles, unicycles, roller blades, tandem bicycles, bicycles with strollers, bicycles with drums, bicycles with speakers, riders with war outfits, a rider with a flower for a head, a really really tall unicycle (how do you get on those things?), and actually, I can't remember everything I saw.

It was a fun, beautiful, and entertaining afternoon stroll.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I think I feel sad.


I looked for dresses on Ebay. I found a dress... I placed my first ever bid on Ebay for my wedding dress. It came down to minutes and then seconds and I was going to win the dress--But wait! What! Huh! No! I didn't win the dress. THREE more people place bids on the dress in seconds before the auction closed.

I guess buying a new wedding dress for 36 bucks isn't reality... at least not yet!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Cake

A few years ago I was Italy for Easter. In all the grocery stores we noticed lots of boxed Easter cakes. We didn't buy one though...

BUT in the, yes, Asia market on Friday I found a boxed cake imported from Italy for a whopping $2.50!! So I bought one. I suppose I was supposed to wait until Sunday to eat it, but I didn't.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Yes, we found a hemp drink.
It is 0.01% THC-free.
It also claims it is magic and spiritual. Really? And shouldn't it be magicAL?

Friday, April 14, 2006

My first cheesecake

Before and after.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Saturday's lunch

Well, it wasn't much, but it was colorful:-)

Product Promotion


When I was feeling very weak and fatigued, this daily multi-vitamin dramatically made me feel better. I highly recommend it.

Go get the champagne tablets--they dissolve like alka-seltzer. (If you aren't in Europe, I don't think you can find it in the States...sorry)

These are wonderful because they give you energy!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Strong Bad

I have forgotten about Strong Bad emails. I was reading a friend's blog and clicked on this link. I have had some good times and good memories with Strong Bad.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Hot chocolate

My parents and I went to the baths tonight. Mmmm...relaxing....

On our way back home we strolled along towards Heroes Square, but the nearby Robinson Restaurant off the little lake was calling our names for some coffee. Yes, my dad likes coffee at 10 p.m. Crazy, but he's a big boy, he can handle it. I opted for hot chocolate. Don't tell me, I know caffeine is still in that too. I'm tired enough I'll sleep though.

Here's a picture of my cool hot chocolate. Hot milk with chocolate on a stick. The chocolate says it's from Belgium. Yum. Go get some:-)