Tuesday, February 28, 2006


My first year of teaching and living in Hungary included lots of learning of new things. One of them being the tabló. And also my first year, I taught one class-9H. I had 20 lessons with this group a week. I got to know them quite well. I taught them for four years. This is their last (fifth) year and now they are graduating and taking pictues for the tabló. It's like a yearbook for the wall.

It's up to the class to decide which teachers they want on their tabló, so I considered it quite an honor that they asked me to take my picture today for the tabló. It's my warm fuzzies for the day.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Exciting Story of the Day

My alarm sounded about 6:20 this morning and I promptly turned it off by accident instead of pressing snooze. I woke again at 7:00 with that dazed feeling, but knowing something wasn't quite right. After some seconds, I realized I should be walking out the door instead of getting out of bed.

I think I made it out the door 12 minutes later...

I made it to the metro and got off at my stop. At this particular stop, there are stairs and two small escalators. When you are in a rush, it makes sense to not take the stairs, but take the escalators and walk up them to move faster. I was the second person to board the escalator. Unfotunately, the man in front of me apathetically took up all the space on his step so that it would be impossible to pass. In Hungarian, I said, "Excuse me."

He turned disgustedly and said, "Excuse me--what?!?"

I said, "I'd like to pass, please."

He pointed and said very stubbornly, "The stairs are over there." And while he was pointing, another man came rushing by pushing his hand out of the way. The elderly man grabbed the passing man by the coat and shook him vigorously while repeating, "The STAIRS ARE OVER THERE!!" He did not let go of the man. The escalators turned off and we had to walk up the rest of the way, all the while the elderly, angry man shook the poor, rushing man heartily. Once we got to the top, he let him go as if nothing happened.

Well, it did. I'm so thankful that it wasn't me.

Errrr....uhh...Good Afternoon!

I can't remember if we greet each other with "Good morning," "Good afternoon," or "Good evening" in the States, but it's quite proper and common to greet each other here that way.

In between periods, walking through the hall to my office or to my next class, I often see old or current students. Because in their culture the difference between morning and afternoon is so ambiguous, it's difficult for them to know how to greet me.

A common passing goes something like this:

-Student notices me.
-Slight anxious/panick look on student's face as student lifts arm to check time while saying "Errrrr...uhhhh..." and eventually decides,"....Good MORNING!!" with a proud grin.

I repeat the greeting if they're correct, or greet them with the proper greeting. (Sometimes even after checking their watch, they still greet with "Good morning" at 3 in the afternoon...

My Points

Not to be confused with MySpace. My Points offers you points for taking surveys, reading emails, and taking offers available through the internet. I've received several gift certificates to Target, and a huge $25 gc to Bath and Body Works. I've been a member since '99, and I've enjoyed their rewards and also learning about new opportunities.

Let me send you a referral and we can both get more points closer to free stuff!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


People are a good thing. I recommend keeping people around and often. And if you forget, keep a few or ten tucked in your pocket just in case.

Relationship, relating, relations is something that has echoed in all parts of me since one of my first nights back in Hungary this school year. It's not a new thought, but it perplexes me and twists my set ideas and fascinates me how intricate and perfect and deliberately we were designed by God. We are relational beings. That's fact; there's no getting around it.

Community I've heard has been a buzz word in circles. I don't care about that. It's what ESI boasts of sending teachers in. It's what we were created for. We're all in one whether we are participating or not. It's a true shame if you don't take part.

My roommate left me for month and she returns tomorrow! Woopee! Without someone around, it's been lonely. I've become a bit used to being alone and have almost started to like being alone. I actually started to get a bit defensive if/when my alone-ness was infringed upon. And when I didn't have my alone-ness, it was ok and even good. Plainly, we weren't made to be alone. (I understand my argument is weak, but trust me)

I have been with people all weekend. Saturday afternoon, we had a retreat with the entire team. It was so good to see all of them. Matt Patrick had encouraging and refreshing words for us. Our guests speaker and his wife, Matt and Diane, stayed over my place for the night. We talked before we went to bed, and talked some more in the morning. I got serve them and make them breakfast, and then they turned around and served me and did the dishes. I went to church this morning and talked with people whom I never had before. I came home and Matt(the other one, or rather the first one, the other Matt is the other one) brought over three of the Czech teachers. They stayed the whole afternoon and evening and we talked and did nothing for some good hours.

I've been wanting to say something about this relating stuff for awhile. I'm not sure this is the end of it; I feel my thoughts aren't complete.

But I can say this: God is moving! He's doing something in me and it feels good. He's bringing me back to my roots(I don't know what that really means...) I'm trying to say, He's reminding me of who I used to be and what good things I had going. I've lost touch with bits of me, and He's revealing Himself and me in a new and old way. Here's some ways:

Exploring on the mountain skiing with Amy
Reading an email from an old friend
In prayer
In singing
In playing the guitar
Matt Patrick's "Time Flies"

I can't and I won't explain it all. But God is on the move and it's so exciting. I feel some streams of refreshing flowing over me and oh how wonderful it feels. I wonder if I've been a fish out of water for quite some time. I wonder a lot of things. But two things are certain:

1) God created/creates relational beings.
2) God means what He says, He's got our backs.

(I'd insert pictures here, but my camera has had an attitude lately. Maybe whoever has been praying for me, could say one for it too:-)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Skiing Part 1

That's Sam, Kim, Me, and Joanna.
Amy (not pictured) and I had a blast together. We explored new ski paths and well, had a blast!

Just for fun

Here's me and Neal.

Good Thing I'll probably live near Boston

American Cities That Best Fit You:

65% Washington, DC

60% Boston

55% Los Angeles

55% San Francisco

50% Philadelphia

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Ok, I'm with you Sam, sort of, with exception to the Facebook comment. That's no good either. I can't join, and it's probably good anyway. There are more productive things to be done...like planning a wedding!

On another different note, just saw a bug like thing on my desk. Cautiously I picked it up, looked closely and found that it was bread. So I ate it.

I bet you I'll get back on MySpace before the night is through. ergh! But then again, maybe not.