Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Danielle's latest

Hey. I finally got my newsletter together!

If you'd like to view it, let me know, and I'll send it to you.
(or someone can let me know how to attach it;-)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Brother's site

Wanna see more pics of my beautiful new neice?

Go to her father's page to check her out!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I'm an AUNT!!!

Congratulations to my big bro and sis-in-law.
Happy Birthday
to my beautiful, pink, hairy headed, 6 lbs. 2 oz. neice,
Skylar Elysia Sundberg.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"My needs"

So, I learned from Neal( ) the current trend is to google "Your name + needs". If I allowed my blog to be searched online, under Danielle you'd find:

Danielle needs Neal.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Scary faces

Thanks to Ms.StacyAnnMcGurk, the following events were made possible.

Soomi helped with decorating.

Here's our final product.

Here's the sugar-high students who consumed them!
They are saying "Thank You!!"

November 1-All Saints Day

Hungary is one of the many countries that observe this holiday. People visit their family's graves. Soomi, Elisabeth, and I visited their graves too.

Kaki; persimmon; sharon; hurma fruit

I tried this fruit for the first time today. It was so incredible.

From the link below: At their best, they have a very sweet, honeyed flavour, described as being like a combination of plum, honey, apricot, pumpkin, and mango laced with perfume.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Soomi told me that she read an article about a couple who recently got married and the bride didn't want to take her groom's name. Instead, they both changed their surnames by part groom's name and part bride's name.

So, we decided what our names might be one day and then decided what we would name our children. What do you think?

My beautiful masculine girl would be:

  • "Strong" Samsona Sundsson

And Soomi's slightly overweight, fudge loving son (named after one of Job's daughters - Keren-Happuch)?

  • "Pudgy Fudgy" Puchy Yutch.

Say that three times fast.

Now, what would your kid's name be?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I won!!

So, I go to the grocery store to pick up a few things today. At the checkout, the cashier handed me this "game piece" and motioned towards this machine. I walked over the "game assitant" and gave her my game piece. She swiped the code and some lights flashed and happy noises sounded and I was given 1000 forint (about $5) store credit.

That ain't too shabby.


I don't know if anyone knows what's really going on.

I missed school a few weeks back and I asked the Head of the English Dept. if I needed to see the doctor for a "sick slip". I was told only if I wanted to. Well, no, I wanted to stay at home in bed, I didn't feel well.

This week at school, I was called into the accounting office because they wanted my doctor's note. Of course, I didn't have it. They were upset that I didn't have the note and told me that I ALWAYS need to have a note. Ergh. In the past, I have gotten a note and they didn't want it, I have also not asked for a note and they have never asked for me for it either. I don't get it.

After almost 5 years, there is still miscommunication at my school. Does anyone know what is going on?

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Check out my new link--My recipes.

Because people ask for recipes and it isn't easy for me to make time to write down a recipe and remember who to give it to, here is my solution.

I hope you can find some yummy things for yourself as well. I'll only post things I really have enjoyed, or something that someone has asked for.

Also, I'm quite proud of myself for figuring out how to change stuff on the sidebar. I feel like I know how to use computers and write javasomethinglanguage...ha!

Not so much a mess

I got my wardrobe this last Saturday. Szabolcs, a friend of my landlady's brought it over. It took the two of us about three and a half hours to assemble this thing. It looks so nice. I'll post a photo soon.

Other news, I am about to be a new aunt! My sis-in-law is currently in the hospital because she went into labor a bit too soon. The doctors stopped labor trying to keep baby in. They were successful, but Annette feels/felt quite miserable. Now they're keeping her hostage until the baby is born which could be another 3 to 6 weeks. She and baby are healthy, but she would like to give birth and be able to go home. Say some prayers for Annette and family.

I haven't had to work all week. It's my fall break. I didn't make plans like other breaks and am resting at home. Though, on Monday Elisabeth and I took a quick jaunt to Vienna for the day. It was cool, cold, and fun.